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Restaurant Le Petit Calamar

Ouvert en : Décembre 2018

243 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine
75011  Paris

Téléphone et réservation :

Afficher le numéro de téléphone Tel : 09 85 06 44 05

Cuisine espanole - Assiettes à Partager

Vous l’aurez compris, Ici la star c'est le calamar !

Ce bar à tapas propose également une sélection d'assiettes à partager typiques de la cuisine espagnole : tortilla, poulpe en salade ou à la galicienne, lomo ou chorizo à la plancha, boulettes de viande, etc. en plus des charcuteries et fromages ibériques de qualité. Il y a aussi une sélection de tapas du moment se renouvelant en fonction des arrivages et des saisons. Et pour accompagner cela, retrouvez une sélection de bons vins (français, espagnols, bio ou pas), sangria maison au vin bio, bière espagnole ou parisienne, gin breton, vermouth corse, rhum arrangé gingembre... 

Avis sur le restaurant Le Petit Calamar

Excellent (10/10) - Posté par Jacob le 07/03/2025

"Hi! My name is Jacob, and I’d love to volunteer my time to support your business. I have extensive experience in building and marketing websites, and I’ve found that volunteering is one of the best ways to connect with new people. I’d be happy to share a free, all-in-one checklist that can help streamline your operations. here’s the website to contact: Jacob Reiner [email protected] Goteborg 415 45 Sweden Allhelgonagatan 7"

Excellent (10/10) - Posté par Bobby le 14/01/2025

"I have a ton of leads available for your business, what's a good number to reach you on regarding them?"

Excellent (10/10) - Posté par Bobby le 14/01/2025

"I have a ton of leads available for your business, what's a good number to reach you on regarding them?"

Excellent (10/10) - Posté par Qasim le 03/01/2025

"Hi, My name is Qasim, and I am a full stack web developer and designer from Pakistan. I previously worked for a digital marketing agency in Singapore, but I have recently been retrenched. If you are looking to revamp your current site or design a new website, I would be happy to offer my services. You can propose a price, and I will do my best to meet your expectations. Please let me know if you would like to see examples of my past work. Thank you, Qasim"

Excellent (10/10) - Posté par Innes le 02/10/2024

"I made a video about your business, please reply to this with "Yẹs, I want to see the video" if you want me to send it over. Looking forward to your reaction! If you don't want to receive further marketing messages: reply to this email and ask for an opt-out Valmieras 23-46, Cesis, Cesu novads, LV-4101, Latvia"

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